Tuesday, February 13
4:00 PM - 6:00 PM
Ballroom A, Pennsylvania Convention Center
The Annual Meeting Program Chairs were challenged in making the selections this year from among the very large number of outstanding nominations submitted by Society members. The speakers will present their work on Tuesday, February 13, 4:00–6:00 PM, USA Eastern. The New and Notable Symposium will feature exciting new discoveries across scales ranging from single molecules, to supramolecular assemblies all the way to whole animals.
Ibrahim Cissé, Max-Planck Institute of Immunobiology and Epigenetics, Co-chair
Elizabeth Villa, University of California, San Diego, Co-Chair
Jürgen Plitzko, Max-Planck Institute of Biophysics, Germany
Serial-Lift-out: En Route to the Molecular Anatomy of Whole Organisms by Cryo-electron Tomographys
Edward C. Twomey, Johns Hopkins University, USA
How Allosteric Competition and Inhibition is Coordinated in AMPA Receptors
Jacalyn Vogel, McGill University, Canada
New Insights for Nanoscale Condensates: Direct Measurements of +TIP Body Properties and Function in Living Cells
Michelle Wang, Cornell University, USA
Replication under Torsion