Where Is the location of the meeting?
How many attendees do you expect?
How do I request a letter of invitation for a Visa?
Will I receive a copy of the program book?
What is included in the registration fee?
What Is the cancellation/refund policy?
Where can I obtain a receipt for my Biophysical Society purchases?
Where can I get a Certificate Of Attendance?
I have registered for the meeting but unexpectedly cannot attend. Can I send someone else in my place?
Do I need a myBPS account in order to submit an abstract?
When Is the deadline to submit an abstract?
When and how will I be notified of acceptance?
Do I have to be a Biophysical Society member to submit an abstract?
How do I make corrections to my abstract?
When is the deadline for abstract withdrawal?
I am a speaker at the meeting. Will you provide a laptop?
Can I contact the property directly to make my hotel reservation?