The Biophysical Society gave out many
Biophysics Awards this past year at science fairs in nine different states and the District of Columbia. Society members across the country volunteered as judges to determine which student had the best biophysics-related project, and the winners received a $100 prize.
Check out the list below of all the different places the Biophysics Award was offered this year. Congratulations to all of our winners, and a big thank you to all of our volunteer judges! We couldn’t have had such great nationwide representation without your help!
If you’re interested in participating as a judge at your local 2012 science fair, and would like to give out a
Biophysics Award, please contact the Society Office for more information at
Region III Science & Engineering Fair
Fall River, MA
Winner: Ian M. Kelly, Bishop Feehan High School
The Science of the Swerve
Boston Public Schools Regional Science Fair
Boston, MA
Winner: Bisiayo Fashemi, Boston Latin Academy
The Effect of Feminine Hygiene Products on L. crispatus
Braintree High School
Braintree, MA
Region I Science & Engineering Fair
North Adams, MA
Worcester Regional Science & Engineering Fair
Worcester, MA
Region IV Science & Engineering Fair
Somerville, MA
South Shore Regional Science Fair
Bridgewater, MA
MA State Science & Engineering Fair
Cambridge, MA
Sonoma County Science Fair
Santa Rosa, CA
Judge: Shannamar Dewey
Winner: Charlie Reid
Modeling Fluid Flow with a Navier Stokes Equation Approximation
Tri-Valley Science & Engineering Fair
Livermore, CA
Judge: Jenny Cappuccio
California State Science Fair
Los Angeles, CA
Winners: Matthew Feddersen and Blake C. Marggraff
Judge: Liana Asatryan
Greater San Diego Science & Engineering Fair
San Diego, CA
Judge: Peter Salamon
Winner: Vaishnavi Rao
Iowa Science Fair
Ames, IA
Judge: Taner Sen
Winner: Luis Galle
Aeroponics vs. Hydrophonics
Lafayette Regional Science & Engineering Fair
Purdue, IN
Judge: Cynthia Stauffacher
Northern Indiana Regional Science & Engineering Fair
Notre Dame, IN
Judge: Kurt Piepenbrink
New Haven Science Fair
New Haven, CT
Judge: Liz Middleton
Connecticut Science Fair
Hamden, CT
Judge: Sofya Borinskaya
Winner: Dominika A. Bajguz, Sacred Heart Academy
Role of Karyogamy Genes in Nuclear Pore Complex Assembly
Alachua Region Science Fair
Gainesville, FL
Judge: Steve Hagan
Winner: David Liu, Eastside High School
Pdx1 as a Novel Target for Pancreatic Cancer Therapy
State Science & Engineering Fair of Florida
Orlando, FL
Judge: Jose Pinto
Winner: Justin T. Alper, Palm Beach Central Community High School
Reverse Engineering Using Euplecta aspergillum in Modern Architecture
New York
New York City Science & Engineering Fair
New York, NY
Judge: Ruth Stark
Baltimore Science Fair
Towson, MD
Judge: George Chellapa
Winner: Alex Wilson, St. Joseph School
Artificial Light: What is best for growing plants
Montgomery County Science Fair
College Park, MD
Judge: Anthony Vecchiarelli
Winner: Sharon Ong
Prince George Area Science Fair
Largo, MD
Virginia Piedmont Regional Science Fair
Charlottesville, VA
Judge: Senthilkumar Rajagopal
Winner: Kushi Ranganath, Thompson Middle School
Just say "No": Mathematical modeling of insulin stimulated nitric oxide production
District of Columbia Science & Engineering Fair
Washington, D.C.
Judges: Sara Pistolesi & Xiao Zhu
Winner: Mamush Mesfin
Detecting Vitamin C content in fruits and vegetables