
A donation to the Biophysical Society will provide support to the biophysics community. Funds donated will help biophysicists advance their research and drive impact on science.

Why Donate to the Biophysical Society?

The Biophysical Society is committed to leading the development and dissemination of knowledge in biophysics. It does so through its many programs, including its meetings, publications, advocacy, and committee outreach activities. Your donation to BPS will help support Society programs, including  travel awards to meetings, local networking events, BPS advocacy efforts, teaching and education resources, public outreach, and career development opportunities.

With over 7,500 Society members who work in academia, industry, and government agencies throughout the world, together we can strengthen and advance the field of biophysics.

Give to the Biophysical Society

Support your science and make an impact in biophysics.


Donation Options


General Contribution to the Society
General Contribution to the Society

Support the Society's general activities, including committee outreach and networking programs

Travel Support Funds Contribution
Travel Support Funds Contribution

Help members from around the world attend the Biophysical Society's Annual Meeting through the travel awards program

Membership Support Fund
Membership Support Fund

Support fellow researchers who are experiencing financial hardship to maintain their membership.

Subgroup Donations
Subgroup Donations

The Biophysical Society is committed to encouraging the development and dissemination of knowledge in biophysics. It does so through its many programs, including its meetings, publications, and committee outreach activities. Your donation to the BPS Subgroup(s) will allow you to direct funds to your desired Subgroup(s). 

Society’s Public Affairs activities contribution
Society’s Public Affairs activities contribution

Help support the Society's advocacy efforts and activities to ensure appropriate representation for science on Capitol Hill and the Executive Branch.

Student Chapter Donation
Student Chapter Donation

Support the BPS Student Chapter Program to build and establish active student chapters across the globe, promote the field of biophysics as a discipline across college campuses, and support chapter outreach activities.

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Program Fund
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Program Fund

Support Biophysical Society programming aimed at increasing diversity, equity, and inclusion in the field, including the Justice for Underrepresented Scholars Training in Biophysics (JUST-B) Poster Session at the Annual Meeting.

Kazuhiko Kinosita Memorial Fund
Kazuhiko Kinosita Memorial Fund

Endowment to fund, in perpetuity, an award in Single Molecule Biophysics that honors the life and work of Kazuhiko Kinosita

The Ignacio Tinoco Award Endowment
The Ignacio Tinoco Award Endowment

Endowment to fund, in perpetuity, the award to honor the life and scientific contributions of Ignacio "Nacho" Tinoco

Donate Banner

If you wish to make a donation by mail:

Please send to
The Biophysical Society
5515 Security Lane, Suite 1110, Rockville, MD 20852

The Biophysical Society is a 501c3 organization and all donations are tax deductible.