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Biophysical Journal Outstanding Poster Award Winners Announced

Biophysical Journal Outstanding Poster Award Winners Announced

ROCKVILLE, MD – The Biophysical Society (BPS) announced the winners of the Biophysical Journal Outstanding Poster Awards given at the thematic meeting, “Quantitative Aspects of Membrane Fusion and Fission, held May 6-10, 2019, in Padova, Italy. BPS’s thematic meetings bring together researchers from diverse disciplines — that do not often attend the same meetings — to discuss important biophysical topics. The poster winners were selected by a judging committee made up of top researchers and were recognized for both their science and their presentation.

The student winners and their poster titles are:

Mico Božic, University of Ljublijana
Astroglial Activation by Interferon Gamma Augments Cell Surface Expression of Antigen Presenting MHCII Molecules Via Increasing Exocytotic but Decreasing Endocytotic Vesicle Interactions with the Plasmalemma

Sindhuja Gowrisankaran, European Neuroscience Institute
Regulation of Vesicle Acidification by Rabconnectin-3A

The postdoctoral winners and their poster titles are:

Alenka Gucek, Uppsala University
Fusion Pore Regulation by Camp and EPAC2 in Pancreatic Beta Cells

Qiangjun Zhou, Stanford University
Molecular Mechanism of Neurotransmitter Release: Locked Until the Last Millisecond

The winners were announced at the close of the Padova meeting and received a certificate recognizing their achievement and a monetary prize.

The Biophysical Journal, the journal of the Biophysical Society, is proud to support young investigators with these awards.  For more information about the journal, visit


The Biophysical Society, founded in 1958, is a professional, scientific Society established to lead development and dissemination of knowledge in biophysics. The Society promotes growth in this expanding field through its annual meeting, publications, and committee and outreach activities. Its 9,000 members are located throughout the United States and the world, where they teach and conduct research in colleges, universities, laboratories, government agencies, and industry.

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