The Macromolecular Machines & Assemblies Subgroup (formerly Molecular Biophysics) is comprised of members with interests that span all areas of molecular biophysics. In particular these areas include:
- Structures, conformational switching, and conformational dynamics of biological macromolecules and their supramolecular assemblies
- Thermodynamics and kinetics of the processes that these macromolecules undergo, such as DNA replication, protein synthesis, self-assembly, self-organization, molecular recognition and binding, signaling, catalysis, and metabolic control
- Responses of biological macromolecular systems to various imposed perturbations, such as (a) changes in temperature, ligand concentration, ionic strength, water activity, solvent polarity, hydrostatic pressure, osmotic pressure of volume-exclusion agents, denaturant concentration, and mutation of the primary sequence, (b) electric, magnetic, electromagnetic and hydrodynamic flow fields, and (c) stretching, bending and torsional strain
- Diffusive, field-induced, and convective transport of both small and large molecules under various conditions, or through various media or channels of biophysical, biochemical or biological relevance
- Experimental methods (physical, molecular biological, and chemical) that are used to isolate and characterize biological macromolecules and assess their relevant properties, or to achieve particular assembly or folding targets
- Theoretical and computational methods used to interpret previous results and future experiments
Annually, the Subgroup holds a topical symposium, which is organized by the current Subgroup chair.
In order to join the Macromolecular Machines & Assemblies Subgroup, you must be a member of the Society.
Molecular Biophysics Bylaws
Article I
Purpose: The purpose of the Macromolecular Machines & Assemblies Subgroup (formerly Molecular Biophysics) is to provide a forum for the dissemination of information in the area of biopolymers, macromolecular structure, dynamics and interactions.
Article II
Membership: Members of the Biophysical Society may join the Macromolecular Machines & Assemblies Subgroup; non-members of the Biophysical Society are welcome to attend Molecular Biophysics Subgroup symposia but are unable serve as Officers of the Subgroup, or vote.
Article III
Dissolution: The Macromolecular Machines & Assemblies Subgroup must be in accordance with the Biophysical Society’s constitution and bylaws, mission, values, goals, and operational guidelines. If the subgroup is found in violation of their bylaws or Society’s guidelines, the group will be placed on probation and may be dissolved at the discretion of the Council of the Biophysical Society.
Article IV
Meetings: Business meetings shall be held in connection with the annual scientific meeting of the Biophysical Society. Five percent of the members of the Macromolecular Machines & Assemblies Subgroup or 10 members, whichever is smaller, shall constitute a quorum. Scientific meetings shall be held in association with the annual Biophysical Society meetings, and must follow the guidelines established by the BPS Council. The voting members attending an Annual Meeting can transact Subgroup business by a simple majority vote.
Article V
Officers: The Officers of the Subgroup will be the Subgroup Chair, Chair-Elect, and Past-Chair.
Duties of the Subgroup Chair are to organize and conduct group meetings, to advise the Biophysical Society of the activity and needs of the Subgroup and to carry on any other activities which the chair deems to be beneficial to the Subgroup and to the Society. Their duties shall also include the keeping of adequate records of membership and working on organizational and financial matters relating to the Subgroup.
The Subgroup Chair will serve for one year as Chair, one as Chair-Elect, and one as Past-Chair.
Article VI
Executive Committee: The Executive Committee will be responsible for fulfilling the scientific and business obligations of the group. The Executive Committee will consist of the Officers. The Executive Committee shall have the power to conduct business by means of electronic vote. The affairs of the Subgroup shall be handled by the Officers in accordance with the policies determined by the Executive Committee and the Biophysical Society Council.
Article VII
Nominating Committee: The members of the Executive Committee shall constitute the Nominating Committee. The Nominating Committee is responsible for soliciting nominations from subgroup membership and for preparing the final slate of candidates. Nominations will be received electronically up to one month prior to the Subgroup’s business meeting. Nominees must accept their nomination prior to being placed on a ballot.
Article VIII
Eligibility for Office: Only voting members of the Macromolecular Machines & Assemblies Subgroup may be candidates for offices. Members may not be elected to one office more than every five years.
Article IX
Elections: Elections will be held electronically up to two weeks prior to the Subgroup’s business meeting. The candidates for each office receiving the highest number of votes will be elected. The results will be announced to the Subgroup’s membership during the Subgroup’s business meeting. Officers will take office at the end of the annual business meeting held in conjunction with the annual meeting of the Biophysical Society. Interim vacancies in officers or councilors will be filled in accordance with Bylaw Article VII of the Biophysical Society.
Article X
Amendments to the Bylaws: Amendments to the bylaws of the Macromolecular Machines & Assemblies Subgroup must be approved by a two-thirds majority of the Subgroup’s Executive Committee, and ratified in an electronic ballot by a majority of the members of the group voting.