Network Yourself to a Great Career Network Yourself to a Great Career Presenter: Alaina Levine DATE: 11/3/2015 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM USA Eastern 0 2658 It’s elementary—networking is an absolute necessity in any career, and especially in science and engineering, and math. In fact, networking is not only critical to advancing your own career, but also to advancing scholarship itself. But what exactly is “networking”? It’s more than just saying hello at a conference! During this webinar, learn how to appropriately promote yourself and build a network. Discover how to "work a room," start conversations with people you have never met before, and obtain information that can set you on a path to career victory. The importance of and use of social networks will be emphasized during this session, as will opportunities to network in association with the 60th Annual Meeting of the Biophysical Society. Watch Recording