Network Your Society: How Your Professional Society Can Help You in Your Career Network Your Society: How Your Professional Society Can Help You in Your Career Presenter: Alaina G. Levine DATE: 3/25/2021 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM USA Eastern 0 2666 Did you know that your professional society has a huge amount of benefits, resources, and opportunities designed specifically to enable your success? From hidden networking opportunities to awards to experiences to hone your leadership skills, your society is your strategic partner for the lifetime of your career. In this webinar, learn how to find and access the various opportunities offered by the society. Spoiler Alert! It’s much more than the conference! Watch Recording
Challenges and Opportunities Teaching at a PUI During 2020 Challenges and Opportunities Teaching at a PUI During 2020 Presenter: Marc Edwards, Afra Panahi, Anu Seshan, Peter Testori DATE: 8/11/2020 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM USA Eastern 0 2939 For many, 2020 has proven to be a year of unpredictability. In this webinar, sponsored by the BPS PUI Network, panelists will share and discuss the challenges as well as the opportunities for PUI faculty during this unique time as it relates to COVID-19, anti-racism, inclusion and diversity, online teaching, research with undergraduates, and more. Watch Recording
Virtual Networking for Nerds: How to Network and Find Collaborators from Afar Virtual Networking for Nerds: How to Network and Find Collaborators from Afar Presenter: Alaina G. Levine DATE: 3/26/2020 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM USA Eastern 0 3378 Networking is the most honorable and valuable endeavor in which you can engage, because it is built on a spirit of generosity. At its core, networking is all about crafting win-win alliances where both parties provide value. You may think that “networking” can only take place in person, but this is a myth! In fact, most networking takes place from afar, and in some cases, the individuals may never even meet in person. Watch Recording
Networking and Personal Branding: Two Keys to Success Networking and Personal Branding: Two Keys to Success Presenter: David M. Warshaw DATE: 3/13/2018 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM USA Eastern 0 3508 So you publish in high impact journal and your science is exceptional, but do people really know who you are? Amplify your scientific persona through networking and personal branding. Simple tips are provided to help set you apart in the public and communication domains, which can impact your future and continued success. The webinar is designed for early career scientists but it’s never too late to learn to promote yourself. Watch Recording
Optimizing Your Time at a Conference Optimizing Your Time at a Conference Presenter: Alaina G. Levine DATE: 1/26/2017 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM USA Eastern 0 2705 This webinar will offer tips on making the most of your time at a conference, including advice on: using social media to make connections in advance of a conference; starting conversations with people you have never met before; how to behave with speakers; how to meet the most important people at the conference; and how to identify the most valuable sessions, events, and other experiences at the conference. Watch Recording
Network Yourself to a Great Career Network Yourself to a Great Career Presenter: Alaina Levine DATE: 11/3/2015 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM USA Eastern 0 2657 It’s elementary—networking is an absolute necessity in any career, and especially in science and engineering, and math. In fact, networking is not only critical to advancing your own career, but also to advancing scholarship itself. But what exactly is “networking”? It’s more than just saying hello at a conference! During this webinar, learn how to appropriately promote yourself and build a network. Discover how to "work a room," start conversations with people you have never met before, and obtain information that can set you on a path to career victory. The importance of and use of social networks will be emphasized during this session, as will opportunities to network in association with the 60th Annual Meeting of the Biophysical Society. Watch Recording