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This membership option is exclusively available to those who have received their first professional degree (equivalent to Master or greater) in the last 6 years.
Membership to the Society is open to those who have educational, research, or practical experience or are pursuing a course of study in biophysics or in an allied scientific field.
This membership option is available to those who have received their first professional degree (equivalent to Master's or above) in the last 6 years.
Please Note: If you are joining to register for the Annual Meeting or to submit an abstract, you must be a member in the year of the meeting. If you are joining to take advantage of reduced publication charges for the Biophysical Journal, or the Biophysicist, or Biophysical Reports, you must be a member at the time of article submission. Membership runs on a calendar year and expires each year on December 31 regardless of when applications are received. Membership fees are non-refundable.
Early Career membership is open to researchers must have received their first professional degree (degree equivalent to Master's or above) in the last 6 years.
You will need: An electronic copy of your most recent CV.
BPS offers Early Career memberss many benefits, including:
For the full listing of member benefits, please visit the member benefits page.