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Kevin H. Gardner to Receive Biophysical Society’s 2023 Award for the Biophysics of Health and Disease

ROCKVILLE, MD – The Biophysical Society is pleased to announce that Kevin H. Gardner, PhD, of the Advanced Science Research Center, The Graduate Center, CUNY and City College of New York, has been named the recipient of the 2023 BPS Award for the Biophysics of Health and Disease. Gardner will be honored at the Society’s 67th Annual Meeting in San Diego, California, February 18-22, 2023.

Gardner is recognized for his development and application of magnetic resonance methodology to elucidate the regulation mechanism of molecular switches, leading to the development of PAS domain inhibitors for cancer therapies and the exceptional translation of this understanding to the development of an effective cancer drug.

“The ultimate goal of biomedical research, no matter how fundamental, is to eventually have an impact on human health,” said BPS President Gail Robertson, University of Wisconsin-Madison. “Dr. Gardner has achieved this lofty goal. He has taken basic biophysical research to the bedside, leading to life-saving technologies with real world applications.”

About the Award – The Biophysics of Health and Disease Award, established by the Biophysical Society, honors significant contribution to understanding the fundamental cause or pathogenesis of disease, or to enabling the treatment or prevention.

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