BPS Members and Friends: Please join the NDD community in a National NDD Community Call-in and Tweet Day TODAY, September 20, and ask your member of Congress to support a balanced approach to deficit reduction that does not include further cuts to NDD programs, including NIH, NSF, and Department of Energy Office of Science.
What is NDD, you ask?
The federal government supports many programs that benefit all Americans, including medical and scientific research; public health; education and job training; public safety and law enforcement; weather monitoring; housing and social services; and international relations. In Washington, these programs are collectively referred to as "nondefense discretionary" or simply "NDD" programs. On January 2, 2013 these programs will face devastating, across-the-board cuts of 8.2 percent through an arcane budget tool known as "sequestration" unless Congress works together to prevent these cuts through a bipartisan, balanced approach to deficit reduction.
Call, Email, Tweet, or Facebook your Members of Congress today!
Let them know that NDD programs, including biomedical research, have already done their part to help reduce the deficit - it's now time for a balanced approach! Sample talking points, Tweets, and information about how to contact your Members of Congress are available below.
Suggested Talking Points (For use on Facebook and calls to congressional offices)
This January, essential jobs and services such as medical research, education, public safety, and air traffic will face more deep cuts through sequestration.
- There is bipartisan agreement that these cuts would be devastating to the nation.
- For NIH specifically, these cuts will mean 2,300 fewer grants to researchers working on future medical breakthroughs and cures.
- Only through a balanced approach can we avoid sequestration, balance the budget and restore the nation's economic stability.
- I ask that you work with your colleagues to find a bipartisan, balanced approach to deficit reduction that does not include further cuts to essential jobs and services such as biomedical research.
How to Call Your Members of Congress:
For those not familiar with calling the offices of your Members of Congress, you can call the Capitol Switchboard and asked to be connected to your Members' offices. The phone number is (202)224-3121. You can also go to
www.Congress.org to find the office's direct line and to look up your Members of Congress.
How to Tweet Your Members of Congress/Suggested Tweets:
For a complete list of Members of Congress and their Twitter handles, as well as other social media accounts, please see these House<
http://govsm.com/w/House> & Senate<
http://govsm.com/w/Senate> lists.
Templates—fill in your Representative’s information:
Invest in strong #biomedical research, education, public safety, & infrastructure [insert Member Twitter handle]. Support balance to stop #sequestration! #NDDUnited.
#Sequestration means an 8.2% cut to NIH funding in 2013. [insert Member Twitter handle] support a balanced approach! http://bit.ly/N2jgsB #NDDUnited
Sample with a specific Member Twitter handle:
Invest in strong #biomedical research, education, & public safety @MaxBaucus. Support balance to stop #sequestration! #NDDUnited
Add your voice and let Congress know you care about biomedical research funding!